Fuqua Interview Report

So I finished my interview yesterday and it went better than I thought it would! I had to fly in to a different city so I flew in on the 14th, spent the night, woke up well rested and headed for the interview which was scheduled comfortably at 10.15 a.m on the 15th. I was actually a full 25 minutes early, but it worked out great since my interviewer showed up early too! He was a young-ish guy, about mid to late 30s if I had to guess.Β After a few minutes of small talk, he jumped right in. Questions asked included:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Tell me about your current role at work
  • Why MBA
  • Why Duke
  • Tell me about some constructive feedback that you received
  • Tell me about the time you showed your leadership skills (in and out of work)
  • What do you think makes a team successful
  • What is your role in a team
  • Tell me about a time you handled a conflict in a team
  • What kind of a leader are you
  • What are your career goals
  • Why do you think this is the right time for an MBA
  • Which other schools have you applied to

The interview lasted about 40-45 minutes, including the questions I asked him at the end. Initially, I didn’t think he was very responsive but as I found my groove, I saw him nodding and agreeing with stuff I said. I didn’t have any issues coming up with stories and I was very well prepared withΒ my answers toΒ why Duke and why an MBA. He opened up when I started asking him questions about the Duke experience and by then, we had a good rapport. He even told me to call him if I ever needed any help regarding Duke or even otherwise.

Overall, a nice friendly chat with a chilled out vibe. No curve balls and no unexpected questions. I was kind of flipping out right before because some guy (interviewing in the same city as I was)Β was askedΒ a case questionΒ and grilled for 1.5 hours, so I guess I got lucky. I think I did my Β best and there isn’t much I would change about the interview. I guess only time will tell now! Good luck to everyone else interviewing at Fuqua!

21 thoughts on “Fuqua Interview Report

  1. Sounds like you nailed it ! πŸ™‚ The questions were pretty straightforward, I’d say. And someone got asked a case question, you say? Yikes!!
    I am sure good news is around the corner! When will you know?


    1. I don’t know if I nailed it (I guess no one really does) but it went as well as it could have! Yeah, tell me about it… I don’t know what I’d have done with a case question. I’ll know on the 29th, hence the little countdown on the side haha πŸ˜€ How goes the GMAT prep?! Only two weeks away now.


      1. Hahahaha! Just went over to your blog and checked out the count down! Soo cool!! I am going to get me one of those count down thingamajigs too. πŸ˜€

        GMAT prep is so so. I have been moving offices this past week. Its been Bella crazy. Aarrhgg, I just cannot catch a break with this test. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahahaha. I thought it might. Crazy twilight saga. The books are meh, but god, the movies, they make me sick. Please tell me you despise them as vehemently as I do? πŸ˜›
        Yes, I will have to go underground for a while till I crack this test.


      3. 50 shades was such a let down. I am all for well written erotic literature (something along the lines of American novelist Henry Miller and Cuban diarist AnaΓ―s Nin, and if you ever have some time to spare, read their love letters. *swoon*) but 50 shades was just crude. Oh god. Chetan Bhagat. Do not get me started. Ugh.


  2. Sounds like you killed the interview! It’s good that there wasn’t anything out of the blue in the interviews. Having a conversational interview is a good thing! πŸ™‚ Good luck and hope you get it.

    PS: I’m a fantasy buff too. (yay!) it’s great to find fellow readers. GRRM, Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson et al are right up my alley.


    1. Aw that’s so sweet of you to say, thanks Vandana! Are you applying for an MBA this year or are you planning to apply later on? I was just wondering πŸ™‚

      Yay! I love finding fellow fantasy readers. It’s rare, especially finding other women who like this genre! Oh yes, A Song of Fire and Ice is amazing.


      1. I’m applying this year! I’ve done Kellogg and Tepper so far and am working on my Anderson app right now. It’s crazy! And yeah, I don’t find many takers for the genre either. We should start a book club! πŸ˜€

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Congratulations!! Just found your blog and I’m inspired! πŸ™‚ Will be reading more of your posts once my GMAT is done (Oct 28). Hope you get in! And please do share more about how you shortlisted your B-Schools! πŸ™‚


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