The result is in…

And I’m definitely not admitted to Fuqua. It was horrible waiting for a phone call that never came, but I’ve had a while for it to sink in and I’m okay. Slightly heart broken because everyone who’s read even part of this blog knows how much I loved Duke – but I’m still hopeful for better things to come. I’m not sure if I’ve been dinged completely or wait listed (they haven’t updated the web portal yet) but I want to move on. Part of me isn’t sure if I should you know? This decision has me wondering if I even have a shot of getting in anywhere that I actually want to get in. Hearing absolutely nothing from Yale hasn’t helped things either. I just don’t know anymore!

UPDATE: Dinged. Oh well.

35 thoughts on “The result is in…

  1. Bummer! Sorry to hear this. It is absolutely crushing and mind-numbing to be hearing and seeing so many hopes put on hold or shattered by the Adcoms. It happens every year at GMAT Club and it is very painful esp in Nov and Dec when the final decisions for R1 come in. The really hard part is not knowing how much you did not reach the mark – did you do only 5% of the effort or were you 95% there – you never really know. It is an exercise. Part of the experience. Try to learn from it. That’s the best answer I have come up in the years of this sad season.
    Good Luck!


    1. I know, it kind of sucks that there are so many great people out there, (perhaps even more qualified than I am) getting rejected. This experience is definitely not for the fainthearted! Your presence on GMAT Club has helped all of us and I’m so grateful for your kind words. Whatever comes of this experience, I’ve learnt a whole lot already!


  2. Holly hell!! I was waiting to see you will post that you got thru!!

    But this disappointing:( . See the status in the portal. I’m really sorry to hear this!!


  3. Hey! Hang on there.. Take a deep breathe.. It’s all still there and am sure you are meant to be part of this.. i have been following your blog and have learnt so much from your experience .. So just weather the storm and know that “This too shall pass”..


  4. Hooolllddd onnn. You are saying you have heard from them at all about the status of your application? Have you tried getting in touch with Fuqua? There is a chance you result hasn’t been released!! Chin up!


    1. Love your optimism but I doubt that! Today was decision day and all admitted students received a phone call. Only 15 from India! Now for the rest of us, we have to wait until they update their website to know if we’re on the ding list or the wait list.


      1. Alright. Then we wait till those lists are put up. I am so bloody sorry about not getting the call. *tight Hug* the competition must have been ridiculously fierce, because you are a phenomenal candidate, especially for someone your age. But I subscribe to the ‘things happen for a reason’ school of thought, like you.

        Having said that, there is a solid chance that you are waitlisted ( which isn’t exactly easier but it is something considering that you are drawn to Fuqua). We are with you all the way! Stay strong and I am ordering you to have positive thoughts only! I am sending you all the positive energy I can muster, love.


  5. Hang in there! I’ve been through this as well and you DO get out the other side, I promise!

    Take a few days to think about something else, maybe write a few sentences about what you learned from R1 that you’re gonna use in R2 to kick butt!

    There is a big element of luck in this game. Sometimes the result doesn’t make sense but you’re still in the game and I’m keeping everything crossed for you! 🙂


  6. Why do you think you got dinged? Do you think it’s a lack of work experience? My friend at Tepper says that very few people are 24 or younger and are looked down upon because of their age.


  7. I’m waiting for the official communication. I think you’re an awesome person and I don’t believe you’ll be dinged.

    Regardless of the outcome, you did your best and should be proud of yourself.


  8. Gosh, I’m so sorry. :-/ I am perhaps a little more heartbroken than I was to see my GMAT score. But no worries. You are an amazing candidate. Any B-School would be lucky to have ya! And don’t assume you’ve been dinged just because you didn’t hear from them. There are a TON of great schools out there that maybe equally good fits. Cool off for a while and get back in the GAME!!! And yes, bigger & better things to come!


  9. So sorry to hear the news! Was looking forward to the good result. Thankfully you have R2 and so much talent, passion and zeal that I’m sure the lucky B school that does get it will be honoured!


  10. Heroes are made from hardships.

    I know you are disappointed; I was there last year too. But winners, REAL winners, differentiate themselves by perseverance and persistence. They push forward when no one else can.

    Keep pushing.



  11. So sorry to hear it!! IT is really a set back and even more so considering how much you liked the school and all the effort put into it. However, my approach has always been that if you did not get in, maybe it is because Fuqua was not the school for you after all. In any case, you have still work and schools ahead of you so be optimistic, it is hard to get in everywhere right :-). Hard work always pays.


  12. A big hug from Top Dog and kudos to you for bouncing back from this disappointment.

    Like GMA said, we were here last year too (two rounds of it!) and have come back with a different perspective and killer application strategy!

    Rest up for a while and at least you have a couple of months to think if and where you’ll apply in Round 2. Thinking of you. Be strong!


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