Out of sight, out of mind.

It’s been a while since I’ve had anything to report and honestly, the release of a new product has had me working 12 hours day, I kid you not. I’ve been so burnt out for the past few weeks and my eyes have begun to water as soon as I look at the screen of my laptop. Ridiculous.

With everyone getting invites left and right, I’d pretty much assumed that Round 2 was over for me. An interview waiver I received from Kellogg a week ago just seemed to confirm that… but I woke up to an Anderson invite this morning so perhaps it’s not over yet.

Having this whole MBA thing out of my mind has actually helped since I’m no longer anal and panicky about everything. I got the interview invite and I was like “Oh an invite. How nice”. That was the extent of my excitement, which was weird but I guess it just means I’ll be calmer for the interview? UCLA is a great school for me by all intents and purposes so I’m going to schedule my interview and give it my best shot.

Until then, I’ll be talking to as many current students as I possibly can and scouring the internet for anything that might help. Hope everyone’s doing well! And to all my friends who have decided where to attend, congratulations! I’m so very excited to see what’s next for you.

19 thoughts on “Out of sight, out of mind.

  1. Yeah. It feels good when we put a hold to this MBA tension. But with 12 hours work.. Duh!!

    Anyways, All the best of Anderson!! 🙂


  2. Hey! Congratulations! The best advice is to forget about your applications once you’ve submitted so you did well 🙂

    Now you need to make time for prep – don’t underestimate the need for this! – and remember that your MBA is more important and long-term than whatever you’re working on at the office.

    When are you interviewing? There should be some good post-interview reports out there by now. Go to it! Best of luck!!


    1. Admittedly, I was forced to forget about my applications rather than it being voluntary but potato, po-tah-to 😛 Yes, I really need to keep that in mind because for some odd reason I tend to take interviews lightly.

      I haven’t picked a date yet, but it is going to be a Skype interview… there are a ton of interview reports out there so I need to get on it!

      Thanks for all the luck and encouragement 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That is exactly what I did before the interview invites started coming in… let go! 🙂 I had the same reaction when I saw the Kellogg invite. The best we can do is to talk about our stories.
    Either ways, we’re going to be okay! 🙂

    Congratulations! When is your interview ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There aren’t any free slots available till the 4th of March. I’m waiting for some new slots to open up but it’s definitely going to be post the 4th. When have you scheduled yours for?

      And yeah, we’re gonna be okay. I’m sure of it 🙂


      1. 4th of March! 😉 😀

        Oh and I’ve been meaning to drop you a PM for almost a month now (did I mention that already?!) Working for a consultancy, I don’t know what it is like to not work 12+ hours a day! 😛 Just crazy Indian work culture I guess – pay peanuts and make millions! Anyway, I hope your schedule gets back to normal soon! 🙂


      2. Haha, I guess you picked one of the last few slots available 😛 No you didn’t mention that! I’d love to hear from you though, so go ahead and do it!

        I actually get paid pretty well, so I’m not complaining but hey, 12 hours a day when you’re not used to it comes as a shock! But thank you, it’s simmering down slowly so hope it’s over soon.


  4. Congratulations on the interview invite! I’m so happy for you. UCLA interviews are actually pretty informal and conversational – because they’re with a 2nd year student. 🙂

    My advice – Be confident. Own your story. Smile. And let your enthusiasm for the school shine through.

    You’ll do great! Reach out if you have any questions! 🙂


    1. Thanks Vandana. I’ll definitely be reaching out to you soon 🙂 I’m actually relieved it will be a second year student since I’ve already spoken to a few of them before applying! I’m also really comfortable with the Skype format too, so hopefully it goes well!


  5. Congrats on the invite. I’ll echo topdog’s sentiments and urge you to prepare as much as possible for the interview. You have a great profile, now show them your great personality.

    All the best


    1. Thank you so much! I’m pretty sure I got till this point because of all your help 🙂 and I’m sorry I was going to mail you to give you the good news but it totally slipped my mind. I’m taking my preparation very seriously this time. I miiiight reach out to you for some pointers, hope that’s okay!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hey, congrats on the interview invite! I hope your preparations have been going well. Let me know if you have any questions or anything about Anderson, I would be happy to chat. Good luck!


    1. Thanks James! I did actually PM you on Gmatclub (I’m FurrowedBrow there) and you were kind enough to give me a nice, detailed answer. So very grateful! I think I have a few more though, so I’ll be sending those across to you shortly. You’re the best!


      1. Thank you! At this point, I don’t think I have enough questions to warrant a phone call, but again, it is so amazing of you to offer. I’m super excited about UCLA just because everyone I’ve spoken to has been so friendly! 🙂


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